Wednesday, February 10, 2010


There is an ancient belief in China that "an invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The thread may tangle or stretch, but it will never break."
Although I don't believe in myths, I believe that there are those whom God has destined for us to meet. One of the people in my life I believe this to be true of is Marybeth. There is no way she would ever allow me to post a picture of her on this blog, so I won't, but I must say that she is a sweetly humble and intelligent friend. Although we have only spent three days together in person, we have sent many emails, blog messages, and phone calls to each other over the years...enough to say that we can truly call each other friend.
During the last year when we grieved over our loss of Jaime, Marybeth kept me and my family in prayer, she continually checked on us, and let us know she was there to talk to or whatever. This from a woman located on one of the coasts, while we are in the middle of the country. I knew she cared.
We share a love for our daughters, both from China, both adopted from China at the same time; and we both share a love for God.
She stepped out and gave her heart, genuinely let me know Christlike love and I am so thankful. In this Valentine season I just wanted to post about this sweet friend. Marybeth, let's keep that red thread stretched across the miles until we get together again and see our sweet girls and wonderful husbands getting along just as well as we do. And...thank you again for caring the way you do, about others. I know I'm not the only person you give your heart to.

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